Monday, February 27, 2017

February Garden Chores

Here are a few things I have done this month in the garden or to prepare for the garden:

  • Started a few flower seeds for transplanting
  • Checked bulbs in storage for decay and discarded any that needed to be
  • Prepared orders for mailing
  • Ordered seeds
  • Started broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage transplants
  • Pruned fruit trees (pears)
  • Pruned blackberries
  • Checked stored seeds and discarded any old supply
  • Removed dust from indoor plants by placing them in the shower under room temperature water
  • Planted some basil starts that I was given at a garden show

Monday, February 20, 2017

Greenhouse Love

I was fortunate enough to buy a greenhouse a week ago.  It is used but it is mine!  I will be putting it back together soon and then the growing will begin.  I will post updates of the progress and the adventures of growing in a green house!  Here is a stock photo I found of the green house...the company is no longer around so hoping it all goes back together correctly!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

January Garden Chores

Here is a list of the things I did in my garden this January.  Maybe you can do some of them too!

  1. Perused seed catalogs and prepared my order.
  2. Check my stored seeds for decay and for inventory on what I have.
  3. Bought grow lights...I forgot these last year after I got my first little greenhouse for seeds.
  4. Started vegetable transplants under those new grow lights.
  5. Replaced mulch layers as needed.
  6. Curled up with several good books and learned about gardening!
  7. Washed the dust off my indoor plants...helps them to get more sunlight.
  8. Watered my indoor pants with room temperature water...each and every tome!
  9. Rotated my indoor plants to develop well rounded plants.
  10. Repaired and cleaned my garden tools...even got a few new ones.
  11. Kept my bird feeders and water supplies filled for feathered friends!