Saturday, June 25, 2016

June Garden Chores 2016

June Garden Chores Included:

  1. Weeding, Weeding, Weeding
  2. Watering regularly
  3. Watching closely for bug far none...keeping fingers crossed that this holds true for the rest of the summer.
  4. Built 2 more raised beds and planted zucchini and cantaloupe in them. They are growing quickly...must like the HOT weather!  I have caged a couple of the zucchini to grow them vertically and protect them from critters!
  5. Planted 3 sweet potato slips in 2 grow bags...hoping that this works.
  6. Planted cucumbers and built a simple trellis for them...going vertical with them this year.
  7. Harvested the beets...planted onions in their place.
  8. Harvested the sugar snap peas from the container...replaced with green beans in same container.
  9. Planted more sugar snap peas near the trellis in the large raised bed.  Hoping that they sprout and do well.
  10. Planted more lettuce and spinach to extend these harvests.
  11. Planted some spaghetti squash...seeing if this takes...never have grown this before.
  12. Planted all the tomato (12) and pepper plants (19) I was gifted.  Holy cow I hope these all take!
  13. Transplanted and thinned the tomatoes I started from seed.  Have given away 12 of them.  Still have over 80 in starter pots.  Holy Moly...that is a ton of tomatoes!!!
  14. Harvest the potatoes.  I was excited because this was the first time to grow potatoes.  I will need to plant more next year! Planted some bush beans in the place of the potatoes.  
  15. Harvesting the herbs as needed.  Planted another round of cilantro from seed. I need this for my salsa when the tomatoes and peppers and onions are ready!

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