Monday, May 30, 2016

May Garden Updates 2016

This weekend I accomplished these garden tasks:

  1. Ordered some grow bags for the sweet potatoes.  They should arrive Tuesday or Wednesday.  I am hoping that these work since I cannot till the west area because it is too wet still.
  2. Added holes for drainage to 3 new containers in the container garden.  They contain beans, carrots, and onions.
  3. Weeded. Weeded, Weeded
  4. Added the kitchen scraps to the compost pile.  I now need to stir it and add more brown layers.  Wish I had more dead leaves around here...ugh!
  5. Picked a few ripe blackberries.  They are starting to ripen now!
  6. Trying to figure out a new plan for the cucumbers, cantaloupe, zucchini, and the watermelon.  I am thinking I will try pallets for the zucchini, cantaloupe, and watermelon.  I might put the cucumbers in one of the 3 grow bags I ordered since I only need 2 for the sweet potatoes.  I ordered 3 because they came in a 3-pack.

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