Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February Garden Chores

Here is what I am planning on accomplishing for the garden in February:
  1. Finishing my scaled detailed drawing of the garden areas and what I am going to plant.
  2. Buy seed starting supplies
  3. Start seeds based on my areas latest frost date (April 23-30) (will be posting these as I go)
  4. Getting backyard bird feeders situated
  5. Get bluebird houses bought/built and set out by garden areas
  6. Build a cold frame(s)
  7. Order any seeds that I need/want/am missing
  8. Finish building and painting plant holders
  9. Finish painting plant hooks for backyard deck fence (bumblebee and ladybug)
  10. Checking the week-by-week vegetable gardeners handbook daily!

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