Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Garden Chores

Here are the garden chores I accomplished in January:

  1. Limited traffic on the frozen lawn!  Not to hard to do when it is cold!!
  2. Checked my leftover seeds and threw out any that were old and/or moldy.
  3. Made a scale drawing of all the garden areas.  (Still finishing this one...Have several areas to work on this year!)
  4. Browsed through all the seed catalogs! (LOVE the seed catalogs...going to post the best ones later!)
  5. Placed seed orders based on my seed needs  after organizing and cataloging all my current seeds.
  6. Putting together my plan for starting seeds indoors and gathering materials for that.  
  7. Started my garden blog!!!!
  8. Gathered gardening ideas on Pinterest!! (This is definitely ongoing!!!)
  9. Began to build 2 simple planting boxes!  I will post the pictures of this project when I am done!
  10. Painted some plant hangers!!!
  11. Bought some more bird feeders for the bird feeding areas!!!
  12. Planning some plants that will attract more birds, butterflies, and ladybugs to the garden.
  13. Reading some garden magazines and books for ideas and how-to's etc. (Definitely ongoing!!)

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